Ways To Bypass Authentication ;
Ways To Bypass Authentication. 1:) Direct page request; :)a.k.a forced browsing. :)successful authentication => Redir to /admin. :)functionality is inappropriately protected , just go to: https//your.target.site/admin. 2. Parameter Modification; :) When authentication is verified via fixed parameters. "authenticated" = "yes" "logged_in" = true "is_admin"= true 3. Session ID Prediction; :) Cookies, tokens, etc. :) If ID is predictable => can be bruteforced/guessed. 4. SQL Injection :)improper input sanitization admin' or '1'='1 More payloads: https://gist.github.com/spenkk/2cd2f7eeb9cac92dd550855e522c558f. :)Use Intruder with default or custom payloads in Burp Suite. 5:) Default accounts ; admin/admin root/admin admin/password 6. Weak Password Change/Reset Feature ; :)Current password not required. :)Host header poisoning: https://0xn3va.gitbook.io/cheat-sheets/web-application/broken-authentication. Video link: https://yo...